Quarterly Reports
Every quarter, Clearsight needs a quarterly report to identify how their investments are tracking. We currently report on Tern Capital and Arctic Innovations.
Arctic innovation example:
Tern capital example:
- Create a new folder in the share drive for the relevant reporting period. In the below image we can see that 2022-Q1 was the latest folder, therefore the next reporting period would be 2022-Q2
- Open up the Google sheet for both Tern Capital and Arctic Innovations and save a copy in the new folder that you created
- Change the name to the latest period. The naming convention should be
- YYMMDD - Q(Quarter) - YYYY (Tern Capital / Arctic Innovations) Limited Report
- Update the headings at the top of both spreadsheets
- Send a link for both spreadsheets for Karthik for a final review
- Once approved - Save a PDF copy into the same folder
- Send both PDFs to Marco Pfiffner at Clearsight