- Understanding the Say:Do Ratio: The idea is simple - do you do what you say you’ll do? The higher your Say:Do ratio, the more trust you build in your relationships. Conversely, a low ratio can lead to loss of credibility and trust.
- Maintaining the Say:Do Ratio: Ensuring a high Say:Do ratio requires clear communication and alignment of expectations. It also involves being conscious of one's ability to deliver on commitments and saying "no" when necessary.
- The Impact of the Say:Do Ratio: A high Say:Do ratio not only builds trust but also encourages efficient collaboration. It can also positively influence your work environment and personal relationships.
- Managing Expectations: Clear communication is key to managing expectations and maintaining a high Say:Do ratio. It's important to express one's values and expectations honestly and to adjust them if necessary.It’s okay to say 'no' to commitments they cannot fulfil if you are truly overloaded.