Unlimited courses Unlimited assessment Unlimited testing Includes CCAT - aptitude test. 50 questions. 15 Includes Employee Personality Profile (EPP) - behavioural - 12 traits. Illustrate - competency based behavrious tests.
Pricing based on number of hires
Test Gorilla
- All referencing all US based tests
6-10 hires: $4,600 per year - 12 months. Full training 10-15 hires: $6,200 per year 16-23 hires: $7,700 24-30 hires: $10,600
Emotify - leadership
CAST - cognitive endurance
Illustrait - individual personality profiles
- SalesAP
vs EPP - % match. Workplace insight report. Lot more benefit from the EPP. Recommend this over SalesAP or CSAP