- Fill out the ELI form (fill out the details of the 12 employees). One spreadsheet for all employees
- Copy of their most recent contract
- Any tribunal claims
- Just document the above and keep it for record. Give this 28 days in advance.
If they have any outstanding claims, that would move over to Storespace.
- Annoucement - good news story. Amazing opporutnity to setup Storespace to grow on it.
- We are looking to do the transfer on 15 April. We are looking to nominate employees.
- Informal meeting. No need for notice.
- As part of this process, there are NO redundancies to be made.
- Letters will follow
- Any questions, write them down. Please hold-off and liase with the reps.
- Make the announcement and send a copy of the letter.
- With 12 people, you don't have any obligations.
- Because we have over 10 individuals, we need nominate representatives.
- Balotting needs to be securely done through an online process
- You will need two representatives - seems more appropriate. All 12 employees.
Send letter template to all employees and ask them if they are not interested in being a reprepresenative. You tell them you can't nominate yourself.
Ensuring you leaving enough time to put their nomination in
- Sickness
- Annual leave
- By 21 March, we will have our 2 reps in place. Setup meeting with two reps on 25 March (Monday) to understand the questions and answer them.
- Have a live FAQ to capture all questions and answers. There are some personal questions which you need to keep off the spreadsheet.
- Aaron preference - channel all the answers through the reps
- From Storespace's perspective:
- What changes are going to be made to the contract? --- Pay date - NO CHANGE --- Change of working hours - NO CHANGE --- Change of holiday periods - NO CHANGE --- Legal entity and pension provider can change.
Give employees 4 days. You don't need all of them to sign up.