Three types of testing in order of cost to maintain
- Unit test. You write the tests alongside the code that is written by the developers. Fast, reliable.
- Easy to maintain
- e.g. PHPUnit, JUnit, C# Unit
- Integration test. I am going to test with real components. I am using the real database.
- You need to setup an environment.
- You need to a real database
- e.g. same tools as the above
- UI test. Test the flow of the application.
- UI elements or styling will change over time
- Cross-functional tests across the different browsers
- e.g. Selenium, Playright
- Selenium is the most popular tool for web browsers. They manage the browsers under the hood. They provide a API and syntax to control the web browser.
- People don’t Selenium directly. There are many providers that use abstraction (using Selenium under the hood)
- Playright uses Selenium under the hood to run the tests.
- Playright is using the MPN ecosystem
- Playright scripts are